A little update about me

Before the huge time laps in my blogging I were about to start writing my bachelor’s thesis, I was having a blast working in a photo studio for a few weeks, having high hopes about everything. Well, I passed my thesis and got my degree… But I barely passed it. The results of my bachelor’s thesis devastated me, it wasn’t good enough!

We worked on a photo project with styles from the 50’s and up to the 90’s, in pin-up style. I thought it looked pretty good, our mentor said the pictures was good and the person supposed to read our report said it was good… Then the people grading us didn’t like anything of it. But hey, s*it happens. I have a degree in Digital Media production, but still a degree I’m not proud over.

Darmstad, Kinden, Rønneberg

Attraktive Andøy – Darmstad, Kinden, Rønneberg

But before starting the bachelor’s thesis I had another big project, which I’m pretty happy with. Together with two of my classmates, LinnCe Rønneberg and Bjørn Thomas Darmstad, I worked on a photo project and made a tourist book about Andøya and we actually published it! We’ve sold over a hundred copies and have published the second edition of the book the summer of 2015. The book has pictures from this amazing place and information about many of the businesses in the area. That’s something to be proud about, right? It has information in both norwegian and english, so if anyone wants a copy it’s available for purchase online 😉  (both my name and the name of one of the others is wrong today, hopefully it’ll be corrected…)

So now I’ve started on another  bachelor’s degree! This time in pedagogy. And hopefully this degree will make it easier to find a job I’ll like! I’m having fun learning about pedagogy, and hopefully I’ll get a new degree and then start working with children with disabilities, helping them. But we’ll see, it’s far away from what I was thinking about doing a couple of years ago!

Last week I finished my ex.phil. exam (nothing to do with pedagogy…), Friday I have my ex.fac.(nothing to do with pedagogy…) exam and after that I’ll start with special pedagogy (pedagogy!!). So it’s a lot at once, but hopefully I’ll survive this week and then get some rest before starting to stress again. In November I’ll get to observe a team from PPT (in Norwegian pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste, in English educational psychological service or something like that…) and learn from them! I’m really looking forwards to that!

So that’s basically everything about my school life, and I managed to get another entry on my blog, and that’s a feat of its own. How long will it take till the next entry? Who know, but now I have to read to my exam. Can’t wait to get it over with.


Making up your mind about what to write is harder for some people than others. After 30 days of following a challenge, getting told what to write, I just couldn’t come up with anything to write about. Sure, I probably have enough things to say – but anything that other people would want to read about? Probably not. Some people just seem to have the talent to woo others with their writing, getting thousands of followers, without really having anything to say. I wish I had that talent. No, I don’t mean that I want thousands of readers,but I want to be able to express myself in a way that people like – maybe that would make writing easier.

It’s been way to long now, and I’ve been planning to write many times, but to sit down and actually write my thoughts has been hard. I sit by my computer for several hours each day, studying, playing games, reading, but I just havn’t been able to open my blog and write a new entry. I’ve been thinking that I’ll do it the next day, or after this game, or when this episode of Naruto is over… It just never happens. I put the pro in procrastination.

It’s been like that with a lot of things in my life lately. Things I usually love doing has become hard to do. Small things that should be done is pushed aside. I let the dishes pile, the laundry can wait till the basket overflows, I don’t need to eat yet, in four hours it’s time for supper…

Even getting up every morning is hard. I can lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking that I don’t need to get up yet, there is no reason to, there is nothing that needs to be done. I just don’t see the reason to get up in the morning. I can have my instruments lying in the chair, ready for me to practice on, but I keep doing other things, unimportant things like staring at the TV, not thinking, instead of playing. I used to love playing, but now it just doesn’t give the same happiness it used to. I have to force myself to read, whether it’s schoolbooks or novels. I love learning, I love living in another world as I read about other people, characters in amazing stories, but I just can’t make myself do it.

According to my physician it’s a sign of depression. I’ve been well for a couple of years now, at least it’s felt like it, but the last months has just gotten worse and worse. Procrastinating, not feeling happiness in my favorite things… But hey, this can get its own entry, right? I’ve gotten off topic.

I was supposed to talk about my procrastination. In one way it’s my way of saying sorry for not writing. I’ve had people ask if I’d write more soon, and it’s nice to know that some people want to read this. So I’m saying sorry to you, and I’m saying sorry to myself for procrastinating everything. Trying to keep my blog going might be a good thing, just to work on making myself do things. It’s kinda bad that I’m a little proud of myself because I finally did this.

So yeah, ideas for topics might be nice? PM me, leave a comment, whatever. (I really make it sound like I’d have a lot of readers, don’t I?) At least I can try to fill a couple of posts with what I’ve done that last two years, I’m sure there are someone out there who would like to read it. I’m looking at you, nee-chan. 

Well, that’s it for now. Write you later.