30 Day Drawing Challenge – Day 30

I made it to day 30! I am so proud of myself! Seriously. I wasn’t sure I would manage to get things out every day, so now I can give myself a pat on the shoulder.

I can guarantee that I won’t post every day from now on, but I will try to keep drawing and post now and then! I will also start challenge number two soon, not sure if it’ll be a photo challenge or just a writing challenge. We’ll see.

But that won’t happend in a couple of weeks. Next weekend I’m going to Trondheim, to participate in NM for bands! And the next weekend I’ll be going to Ålesund for my nieces baptism/christening.


Anyways, it’s been fun to draw and see how many views and likes I’ve gotten, and where in the world my blog has been seen! I’ve passed 50 likes on my blog, and 20 followers, so thank yoooou!

Day 30: A congrats banner for finishing the challenge


Day 30

30 Day Drawing Challenge – Day 29

Today has been an ok day. I had plans: school, doctors and then training.

I cancelled with the personal trainer because my hand still hurts a lot.

But that was ok, I still had plans for the day.

I went to bed and read all the texts for school. When I was about to go to sleep I saw that the teacher had sent us a mail at about 00.45, saying he had to cancel the class.

At 8 the docors office called me and told me that my doctor was sick.

So today I have done nothing! But some days that’s just what you need.

Day 29: A place you want to go

Easy! I wanna go to Disneyland! Or Disney World! Any Disney park, really! Most I want to go to the one in Florida! I’ve wanted to for many many maaany years, and if I keep on believing, the dream that I wish will come true! Cinderella, anyone? 

Enjoy ^^ Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge!

Day 29

30 Day Drawing Challenge – Day 28

It’s late, so easy little sketch today!

Day 28: Anything you’d like

Just an eye! Because that’s what I felt like drawing!

It’s 11.20, now I have to go to bed with my school articles and read two, and try to fighure out what I’m going to say when I present my work-in-progress essay tomorrow! I’ve written aprox. 0 words. I am soooo good at this school thing!

Enjoy and g’night!

Day 28